GK - Points - Biology 1 - For UPSC Exams
- To production of what - Red-rot and Ergot disease are linked
Answer -
Sugarcane and Bajra
- "Linus Pauling" received A Nobel prize for unraveling the helical structure of -
A -
- An organism which causes maleria - Protozoan
- The concept of Cellular Totipotency in plants is related to - Tissue Culture
- What is Red sindhi - It is a cross breed , a higher milk yielding breed of cow.
- "Life begets life" is related to which scientist - Louis Pasteur , disapproved the theory of spontaneous generation
- Age of Moon is Approximately - 4.36 Billion Years
- Cause of Tuberculosis is a bacteria
- Sandfly is related to which disease- Kala - Azar disease
- Nightblindness is caused due to deficiency of which vitamin - Vitamin A
- Ptyalin is an enzyme that is found in the saliva of Homo Sapiens ( Human Beings )
- In which part of the Human Body are RBC's formed - Bone Marrow
- Bt-Brinjal & Bt-Cotton are Pest resistant - They are the genetically modified versions of the respective items.
- Electrostatic precipitation is used to control which pollution - Air Pollution
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